Friday, December 21, 2007

Just because she's so darn cute

Seriously, how cute! If I put this on I’d look like an idiot but she looks great!

I’ve realized that I need a bag…

Maybe Beatles bag? (Sorry for the crappy pictures) I like the Beatles, all the Beatles bag from The Fest where they have more Beatles stuff.

I also found this site where I found this bag, fatigue or vintage brown?


I can’t walk in heels but soon I have to at least try because there are so many cute shoes out there. These are from Pleaser

Thursday, December 20, 2007

What the hell!?

So I was out on the net looking around and I went by Room Service to see if there was anything new and I was chocked when I saw this picture of the cat, poor little kitty! By the looks of it the cat will kill the owner before Christmas. Who buys wigs for their cat anyway? Sick!
The picture is from Kitty Wigs

Monday, December 10, 2007

Modern Swedish Ruins

Picture by Rutger
I like old worn-out houses so I really liked this site I found by accident. Makes me want to go out and look for some abandon places, I know there were one or two places like that growing up but I don’t think they are many left around here anymore.

Modern Swedish Ruins

Thursday, December 6, 2007


I was at Topshop the other day and I found such cute slippers, I didn’t buy them because I had promised myself not to buy anything since I spent way too much money the day before, but they were very cute.