Monday, June 22, 2009

Haven’t been looking forward to this but…

The pictures look pretty darn nice. Well, Johnny looks intense and creepy, a little like Elijah Wood. He might give me nightmares.

Anna looks divine, makes me want to go blond which has never happened before. I would probably look freaky as a platinum blond…
Helena looks great, love the eyebrows and heart-shaped mouth. And the hair is killer, maybe I should go red?
The gardens look amazing; I think there’s a little crazy gardener in Tim somewhere. He can fix my garden if he wants to.


xo.sorcha.ox said...

OMG, isnt this exciting? I cannot wait! It all looks fantastic!

Aimée Marie said...

I want to see it SO badly. He also it going to be doing 1984 also. How amazing will that be?