Sunday, August 31, 2008


Sometimes I think surströmming was made as a joke for tourist. Apparently my grandfather used to eat it but he’s from Norrland so it doesn’t count.

Does it really smell THAT bad? Yes it does. It’s a horrible smell and I remember when people were trying to be funny and putting this stuff in the ventilation in school, you couldn’t walk. You had to take a deep breath and then run like hell to the next class, the smell was all over the corridors.

Sweden looks nice, doesn't it :p


Aimée Marie said...

Oh my god, "Shelly". That, even though I can't smell it, is the most vile thing I have ever seen. People really eat and enjoy that shit? I don't think there is anything here quite like that.

Shelly said...

(I’ve always liked the name Shelly :p)

They say it doesn’t taste like it smells but still, if it smells don’t eat it but… I saw this stuff when I went grocery shopping yesterday. It would be fun to put this in someone’s car on a hot summers day :D