Thursday, April 16, 2009

I like it…

I wish she had nipples though, looks weird without them. I like it, I would have it on my wall as art.

Found picture here


Aimée Marie said...

I wish I had the confidence to do this. Plus, my skin sucks. I pick at the dry skin and my skin shows it. Ugh. Did you get my letter yet?

Love You!

Shelly said...

The picture is photoshopped I’m sure, her skin looks perfect and I don’t think anyone has got perfect skin and most people have stretch marks, I’m small but I still have stretch mark on my breast and my ass. But Photoshop or not it´s a nice piece of art and a nice changed from boney fetuses that normally grace the covers of magazines. Anyone can look good with Photoshop.

Yes, got your letter on Tuesday :) I’m making you a present! I hope it turns out okay, I’m not very good. No, I won’t tell you want it is, you just have to wait and see.

Aimée Marie said...

Meanie... I love surprises, but I also hate waiting. I always shake the presents under the tree at Christmas! I am SO sorry it took so long to get the letter to you. Busy busy!!