Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Did some calculations and it turns out I’ve read 45 books in 2009 (!) which I find amazing since a few years ago I barely read at all. Some of them were young adult books and you can read one of those in a day but some of them were in English and that takes longer so I guess it evens out.

My "101 books in 1001 days" doesn't seem impossible which I thought it would be.

Best books 2009: I liked Oscar Wilde, his language is so colorful and fun. I also enjoyed Charles Dickens “Great Expectations” (I love Victorian times) and I’ll read more of him in the future. Gypsy Rose Lee was interesting too. Oh and I almost forgot “Pride and Prejudice” which I really enjoyed (everyone should read it).

In Swedish:
In English: 20

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