Sunday, December 28, 2008

Year 2009

I don’t even remember my new year’s resolutions for 2008, there was an awful lot I know that much and they were sort of contradicting each other since one of them was “set realistic goals” and the rest were probably pretty crazy. I’ll only list the most important things, and perhaps add some later… maybe you should have a list and cross them off one by one?

One by one
1. Go to the gyno and do a smear test or whatever it’s called (sounds like fun doesn’t it?) Check!
2. Get a haircut
3. Buy a dress or a skirt

1. Keep a food diary to see what I need to add and remove from my “diet” Post it on the blog (and please yell at me when I’m not eating health)
2. Write X pages per X (have to figure out what amount of pages per day/week is reasonable)
3. Work on watching ALL 250 top movies on IMDB (some would call that a waste of time but…)
4. Get a pedicure (homemade, I’m pretty darn good) at least once a month.

1. Finish one longer story
2. Finish a synopsis for a movie
3. Learn how to walk in heels
4. Learn how to do a decent manicure at home
5. Try to sew something, either finish the pants I have or make a simple dress
6. Try embroidery
7. Finish my brothers shirt and start knitting in the hats (that was last year’s new year’s resolution for Pete sake!)

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