Sunday, February 28, 2010

Dead Snow

I need a break from all the garden work… I rather be out raking and digging than looking up how to sow stuff and whatnot on the net (all garden stuff is posted here). So movie time it is. Norwegian horror, how bad can it be? The last and only Norwegian movie I’ve seen was Cold Prey and thinking back I don’t remember hating it but apparently I didn’t when I watched it. So second movie in my little challenge is Dead Snow from Norway. Undead Nazi...

Tea: Raspberry (because it’s the only one left)
Snack: Falun rågrut (crisp bread)
Yellow Bastard Production, that’s a funny name. Movie starts with “In the Hall of the Mountain King” by Grieg and we see lovely scenery of Norwegian wilderness. I’m expecting lusekoftor within a minute… No, no lusekofta but the movie is far from over so hopefully there will be one and a pair of skis before it’s over.

Some Guy: Why do we even play this game?
Some Other Guy: Because Hollywood has told us it’s super fun.

So true, they are always playing Twister in American movies and TV shows. I never have and it doesn’t look like that much fun.

(Nice little cottage though)

I think I’ve figured out who’s going to die first… (Update: I was way off)

They like to have snow scene, either a guy on a scooter, sled, whatever and “cool” music… “Cool” music always sounds stupid to me since it’s so obvious that they want the scene to “cool” and it never is when it’s force, looks more like a low budget coke commercial.

(Looks like a nice place for a tea party, without the undead Nazis of course)

There are a few issues I have with the plot and I won’t spoil it if anyone wants to see the film but, surely someone who read the script would have commented on it.

(If this was an american movie I think this guy would look different in that version)

I don’t know how old they are supposed to be but one of them act like he’s a really dull 40 year old and they are all boring losers. I don’t get the feeling it is always intended to be funny but it is; it’s like a campy movie without the campy.

After 49 minutes it is getting a little dull. I find it hard to remember people’s names. In Sweden we don’t use names unless the person we are talking about isn’t there, we don’t tell Anna, “Anna you have to call him.” And I’m guessing it’s the same in Norway so they don’t use people’s names as often and it makes it harder to remember them, at least that’s my theory at the time (it’s way past midnight and my head is weird so…).

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