Monday, March 22, 2010

Neighbors, everybody needs good neighbors…

(Yes, that show made it all the way to Sweden) If you could pick your neighbors, what a joy! Who would you pick and why? There are six houses beside mine on our little street and here are my neighbors if I could pick them.

1. Oscar Wilde. There is some view into this house but hopefully not that much (they haven’t moved in) but I can picture Oscar living there and I would spot him sitting in a chair in front of the fire when I make tea (from the kitchen I can see straight into what probably is the living room). I would wave and he would raise his cup or glass, maybe wave me over for some tea or a brandy.

(Oscar dressed for Ms Marples annual spring tea party)

2. Who do I want to stare at all times? Johnny Depp or maybe Dita von Teese but then I would stare at them all the time and they wouldn’t like me so… maybe Batman/Bruce Wayne? He would never live there because it’s too small but let’s say he would. I’m sure he would come up with something clever to avoid the whole situation with the view straight into each other’s houses and I’m sure I would like Alfred. (Bet Oscar would love if Robin moved in next door.)

("Hurry up and get dressed, we'll will be late Master Bruce")

3. Beatrix Potter. I’m sure she would take good care of the yard and make it nice for birds and other animals and I’d ask her for help with building birdhouses ect. She doesn't seem to be hard to live close to, a very nice and calm person. (I base this on the movie I saw, could be a bitch but I doubt it.)

(Beatrix waiting for her husband William to hurry up)

4. Hmm… can’t come up with anyone at the time, let’s pretend it’s vacant for now. Any idea’s who could move in there?

5. The Bennets of course. Mrs Bennet seems like fun and she would fill me in on all the gossip, especially if they live next to Oscar Wilde and Batman. I love Elizabeth and Jane and hopefully we would be friends and take walks across the neighborhood.

(Red alert! The Bennets are coming!)
6. Miss Marple maybe… a nice lady and she would like the place I’m sure. I think she would be a wonderful neighbor and I can picture myself stopping and chatting a little when I take the dog out, and he would like her too since he loves little old ladies.

(Miss Marple and friend is waiting for the guests in the garden, they probably just spotted Oscar)
Imagine the tea parties with the neighbors! I want these neighbors! I'll pretend they live here... imaginary friends, that sounds healthy.


xo.sorcha.ox said...

I'm sorry to hear that Sweden has been infested by "Neighbours" as well. It's bad enough that we have to put up with it! :/
~S. xo

Shelly said...

Is that show still on? They must have been on the air for 20 years or something... I never watched but I for some reason know the theme song.

xo.sorcha.ox said...

It most certainly is! Every weekday evening at 6.30pm : NEIGHBOURS. It does my head in! Although, not as much as HOME & AWAY does. :/
~S. xo