My über green week has begun and I was curious on just how much water I use in a day and it did not start out well. I put a basin in the sink when I washed up and wow! That was a lot more water than I thought I used. I got a bucket and I could actually use that water to flush with. So I got some more buckets and collected some snow outside and I’ll use that water to flush with (yes this is extreme but I’m going to be a green as I can this week). It’s just noon and I feel I’ve used more water that I should in just one day. I like water, I should take better care of it.
Things to do1. Buy a water boiler thingy, they say it takes less energy to use that than to boil water on the stove and when you think about all the tea I drink I guess it’s a good thing.
2. Switch laundry detergent to a soap based one. (I have to confess I have no clue what my laundry detergent contains at the moment)
Here in Australia we get a range of cleaning products (including dishwash liquid, dishwasher powder, laundry powder, fabric softener, floor cleaner etc) from a company called EARTH'S CHOICE. They use only natural, biogradable products that are grey-water safe (can be used on the garden). Perhaps you could look it up on the internet?
Good luck with your green week!
~S. xo
P.S. Got your letter. Shall reply v soon! :)
Latest issue of National Geographic magazine is a special issue on water.
It's a good read an an eye opener.
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