Thursday, November 20, 2008


It snowed a little on… Saturday I believe and then again yesterday. The ground is still warm and the weather isn’t that cold so it melted away fast but still, snow… I don’t like cold weather and ice. And soon it’s December and I haven’t bought a single Christmas present! (Well I have actually bought a little something to three people) I’m already feeling stressed out.

I did buy some cookie cutters though, smaller than I expected but they were cute. A kangaroo, shark, whale, bat, camel, fish, seahorse, giraffe, pear, maple leaf and a moose, who said gingerbread cookies had to be hearts and pigs?


Aimée Marie said...

It has been snowy, cold and icy here for over a week. Ted has had to put salt down on the steps for a few days now and I am already sick of it. Ugh. And I am right with ya on not having any Christmas presents. I don't even have one. Well, not true, I GAVE one last night, but that doesn't count.

Shelly said...

Poor thing! All I can hope for is that people that I don’t like will slip and fall 

But I better start buying some presents, November just rushed on by so soon it will be one week until Christmas and I haven’t bought a thing!