Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Three more movies

First I saw “O Brother, where art thou?” and it was okay, reminded me a little of “Big Fish” but it’s not a movie I’m likely to ever see again. I wanted to see what happened but then at the end I was like, “So…?”

I hate to see Johnny in bad movies, I don’t like to hear him say cunt. He wasn’t even good in this movie which he usually is even I crappy movies. The best parts of “The Astronaut’s Wife” was when I squinted and pretended it was Mia Farrow and not Charlize Theron. It was quite recently I realized what a beauty she is, Mia that is.

(Mia Farrow)

Then I watched a Danish movie, a thriller called “Murk” and it was like Swedish movies, dull, grey and “real”. There’s a wedding scene and if it had been an American movie it would have been bright and funny, laugher and spontaneous singing but there it was stiff and dull and people were sitting in rows with pieces of paper with the lyrics on singing along looking bored and uncomfortable. The plot was okay but the execution wasn’t.

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